Monday, May 17, 2010

Reflection - Monday, May 17

Because we have had some problems with use of our classroom, today's graded performances of monologues were postponed to Wednesday. Though everyone has strong ideas about their respective monologues, it is of greatest importance that everyone be not only fully FAMILIAR, but fully COMFORTABLE with their lines before Wednesday.

Please submit your reflection on today's work on these monologues here.


  1. Today in Drama we did monologues that we are going to perform tomorrow. Everybody was up and performed the monologue except Gamlet, Sam, Martin and me

    I think Siri’s monologue was very good because she did a very good accent. I also liked Max’s monologue because I think it was funny.


  2. Today we went through most if not all of the monologues and most of the people had memorized their monologues. Looking at my constructive criticism, the main problem for most people was not speaking loudly and directly. The problem was that they were using someone to talk to in the scene and ended up not facing the audience directly. A good thing is that the problem of hair being in the face was fixed.

    I think I did fine in my monologue, but had a few problems. The good things are that I remembered my lines (sometimes struggling to remember) and I was quite loud I think. I need to work on how I am going to direct what I will be saying to my 'wife' and my 'kid'. Hopefully I can fix the main problems by tomorrow, and then make little tweaks on it by Wednesday, and I will perform as well as I can.

  3. Today we started by talking about our plans for the next few drama lessons and lunches. We then rehearsed our monologues to the class. People like Sara and Evelina definitely know their lines and Siri and Sam are very close.

    Everyone that performed was told what works and some suggestions. I need to learn a few more lines and speak slower. Hopefully this will be done by Wednesday.

    I also was Jill in Mike’s monologue (Mike should choose a girl next time) but he did pretty well. He just needs to learn his lines and figure out how he will play the role.


    Today we had a double lesson and were supposed to have our repertoire monologues graded. But since like only 2-3 of us knew about this we had to postpone it to wednesday. So instead we rehearsed our monologues the whole double lessons infront of the class. We had to write some constructive criticism for each person. I thought that everyones were EXTREMELY well-acted. All they have to do is remember their lines, also some could talk a bit slower...but i shouldn't say that. I'm the one who talked really fast in my monologue :S

    For my monologue i had to DEFINITELY talk slower, apparently. Which i can understand. They also told me to speak louder, as well as be more serious in the monologue since i looked pretty relaxed. I had to rehearse the monologue twice, so really had to practice :s tho i did know all my lines :D For the first one i wasn't including my 'aunt' a.k.a. sam in my monologue and it was almost like a solilaqui (however you spell it) but then on the second time i did include her more, but was more relaxed, had to be more firm, dramatic, and angry since the monologue is in metaphors of the steel business but really being about my bad childhood. I really like this monologue, but i guess i should practice on it at home so that i will atleast get a good grade :)

  5. HALOOO!!!!!!

    So this is my reflection!!! I'm hyper!!! cos i eat chocolate!!!!...

    OK back to serious.


    So today, we had a double lesson of drama. It was bad as nearly all of us except some amazing people forgot to learn their monologues. This would have been helpful as we needed them for a graded piece of work. So today we watched, my monologue, Sara's, Anne Meike's, mike's, Siri's which gave us a really good idea of how we should project our voice and how we should make our voice sound like(nice work Siri) and everyone else of course... So another pointer is that some of us did not project our voices very well. I was told I did, for some strange reason. Anyway I am a loud person. So many of us have to learn our monologues and project our voices better. Some people were even saying a soliloquy in the form of a monologue, which I thought was awesome. It was a fun day. Also our monologue final performances are due on Wednesday lunch. NO audience people. Be happy!!!


  6. Today we were meant to have our monologues recorded as a final piece, but most of the people did not know about it, therefore we decided to record the final piece of the monologues on Wednesday. Fortunately we had a double lesson, so everyone except more Martin had a chance to stand up and do it. We had to write constructive critisism for each monologue, I was told that I need to slow down, and that the turning away part works. As I think for myself, I am quite slow, I think I need to be more dramatic, more effective use of body language I would say. That was pretty much it, for Wednesday I need to bring in a simple dress to play through the monologue, then a simple dress , some food, and some kettlery for Thursday repertoire scene, and then something guy like for Friday, death of salesman. To be hinest I am just enjoying this moment so much, when all the work I ave been working on is coming to an end, yay!!!

  7. xD max ur really hyper !!!! :O


    Today we saw a lot of monologues all different styles and themes and all they acted extremely good! Siri had such a good accent and I think Sara also acted really naturally. So we need to do a constructive critism about how we need to do the monologues and how to act and behave if we are on stage! Which is really cool!

    First I need to begin, so I was a bit messed up with the baby but tomorrow I will bring a baby with me and then I hope that it makes my act more stronger... Also i think that I maybe need some more probs like a short dress or red skirt ( which I dont have but maybe it helps the character who is a prostitute!)
    But learning my lines is really important of helping me on the stage and act like how I need to be on the stage. So I really need to work on that because the others were really good at it!

    GreetZ Anne-Mieke

  8. Today we started by talking about our plans for the next few drama lessons and lunches. Then rehearsed our monologues to the class. Today we watched Max's, Sara's, Anne Meike's, mike's, Siri's monologues. They nearly knew thei lines. And we also had to tell them what worked and what did not work.

  9. Hello sorry for it being but better late then never right :D i typed it up but forgot to post it .
    Today in class we worked on monologues. we got through everyone's except for Martin's but I'm sure we will see it sometime in the near future. Everyone's was really good :D . I performed mine . I know the lines but I have a problem with a couple of last lines at the end but I know them now. I worked on my english accent , I can't do the monologue without it now because it would be weird because thats how i learned it :P
    Anyways it was a fun lesson and mr mac. gave us a schedule of whats happening until the end of the year :P .
    Thank you! siri :D

  10. During this lesson we have talked about our future lesson-plan. Then we continued the lesson by presenting our monologues. it was an interesting lesson and was great experience:)

  11. During this lesson everyone performed their monolouges, and everyone did a really good job !

    I had to do mine, about 4 times because i kept messing up which was kinda bad, but i think my performance was ok.

    Everyones monolouges went really well, so well done to all of you !
