I have neglected to provide a place for reflections for last week's classes. Sorry! Last week we worked on our Death of a Salesman and The Good Doctor scenes as well as acting as audience for the 11th and 12th grade's Japanese Bunraku puppetry performance. Please submit your reflection on today's and on last week's work here.
Last lesson we have had watched the 11th and 12th graders performing their Japanese scene. It was all about love and death of puppets. The stage and everything was covered in black cloth and the students were wearing black clothes and had their faces covered too, so that the whole effect would be on the puppet. It was recorded too and this gave a really good imaginary effect.
ReplyDeleteAs we finished watching the performance we had come back to our class and had performed some of our Good Doctor scenes. I had performed together with Silke and I believe it has quite good idea and it could've been so much better if it weren't to be with a script.
It was a very funny scene and it was great experience. There were also some other people performing and it was great watching them too and learned from others.
In todays lesson we have worked on our Romeo and Juliet scene, i chose to be Lady Capulet. We have read through the script all together and kind of performed for eachother. gamlet was not in the room and so we could not do it properly however, next time we will :)
Last lesson I was absent.
ReplyDeleteIn today's lesson we worked on the Romeo and Juliet scene I am the Prince. We all together read trough the whole scene and we now know who we are and what kind of lines we need to learn.. We also have to act it out and to know where we have to be and when we have to come in. But, Gamlet wasn't here so we will do that the next time!
ReplyDeleteSo for the first lesson last week, all i remember mostly is that we watched some of the good doctor scenes like the surgery and the seduction. Onur and Evelina performed the surgery very well, it was hilarious to watch, but a lot of movement and props you need to work on so i cant wait to see when its all ready. Its gonna be a blast :P The Seduction was pretty great too!!! You guys acted it so well so that it seemed like you guys had performed it infront of an audience before. Like the surgery... i cant wait to see this one when its all ready with the costumes, props etc.
For the double lesson that week we watched the Japanese Bunraku puppetry performance by the 11th and 12th graders on the first lesson. I thought it was so fascinating how they made the hand gestures of the life-size BEAUTIFUL i must say, puppets so realistic. Must of been hard to do but it looked really well :)) For the second lesson some people in the class got to choose if they wanted to perform a good doctor scene/death of a salesman scene/repertoire scene. Sam and siri performed their death of a salesman first and i gotta say, it was so great to watch. It looked like you guys had so fun up there trying new things to act. Like mr. maclachlan said, that is how a rehearsal shud be like. Straight after me and evelina went with OUR death of a salesman scene and in my opinion, it really wasnt as good as theirs, i mean we acted it pretty well, but nothing much different in ours (except that i missed a few lines...so frustrated about that >:O )
For the single lesson we had today we were all split up into our romeo and juliet groups. My group includes evelina, siri, sam, luke and max. All we really had time for was to go through the script in our group and practice it a bit when standing up. But it was good that we started working on it because we hadn't started on it at all so far. I am Benvolio in my group which means, i got a lot of lines, so i started studying my lines last week and know more than half of them so far. For next time we practice, we should really start working on our staging, who should go where, and definitely how the fighting would go. But we'll have enough time to do that...hopefully :S Okidoki!! I think that's enough for today!! :D
ReplyDeleteToday we first watched a unique Japanese style of drama performed by 11th and 12th grade. The acting was very good considering how difficult it must have been. We then watched Siri and Martin do “The Audition”. Siri did really well to act ill. The performance was funny and well done. Martin also did well acting as a judge.
We then watched Sam Onur and Mike perform “The Seduction”. This wasn’t as funny but still very good. I liked Mike giving seduction advice and narration as the play progressed. The acting from all of them was very well done.
Today we went through our Romeo and Juliet scenes. I had barely looked at my lines for Mercutio and now understand what I need to do.
Our group seemed to go thorough it all well and had no problems. The lesson was quite enjoyable. I don’t really know much about Romeo and Juliet because I’ve never studied it, but now I know more.
last lesson we began the lesson by watch the 11th & 12th grade theatre studies performances with Japanese puppets. They were really good. I thought it was a very unique style and it was very well done, the second one was the stronger one in my opinion. Then when we came back to the classroom we watched the Governess which is really funny and The seduction which is also very good and well written.I really like onur in the seduction because he plays the clueless husband very well.:D
ReplyDeleteThen Mr MacLachlan called peoples names and they would chose a script and go and perform it. A lot of people did death of a salesman , and then I performed my peice the Audition which I need to work A LOT on. My main issue would be that I have a lot of lines to learn for all these scripts which I don't find very fun because exams are coming up and learning lines isn't very easy for me. Also I still feel that instead of working on loads of rushed scripts maybe 3 or 4 really good ones would be better, but I'm not the teacher so who am I to comment.
Today we looked at our Romeo and Juliet scenes.I am happy with my part because I don't have a lot of lines but I have enough to be a significant character. I play the prince and the citizen. Romeo and Juliet isn't my favorite shakespeare play but it's an ok play . Today we basically went into our groups and before hand my group had sorted out parts so we just sat down and read through it and then we stood up and acted it out.. which didnt go very well because everyone was distracted but WE'LL GET THERE :D
Over and Out
So, on today’s lesson we first started off as watching Siri perform her scene. I think it was hilarious, because she was blue and she was pretending to be sick which was really realistic, we should learn this kind of drama, how to make yourself look ill, not being able to run, do homework and stuff, how to cry sometimes. But, beack to the topic, she was looking ill and blue, lol it was really funny:)
ReplyDeleteThen Onur and I performed “The Surgery”, I think that it is quite a comical one, though even doing it makes me laugh hard. I am a bit shy to be hoenest dong the singing part, because I have got a really bad voice for singing, but oh well I guess I have to just deal with it.
After that we watched “The Seduction”, even though it had like a sad face near it, I think it was quite humourous too. My favourite part was when the scene kind of paused, and Mike was like talking to the audience, sometimes people do it in movies and I just love it. And I also liked the ending, that even though he married, there was this guy who wanted to seduce his wife this time, because whatever you do comes back to you, and I guess that’s the moral of the story.
Then we had some time to do the monologues, I did mine and I think it is ok. Even though I always always smile during the line “and even if I try, my lips will not smile”, come on who speaks like that?you simply just say some thing like, it is impossible for me to smile now, not overexadurating it. Also I don’t get why some people *cough*(Max), bother so much with the like “Here is where I first kissed you”, I am not kissing anyone in drama scene, so I don’t get what all the fuss is about. I guess next time like if we do constructivi criticism like last year, I might improve it, becase I have no idea how to improve it now, though I am happy I know my lines.
Then Sara went, and I enjoyed hers, but then Onur went and he decided to do it super fast, so I didn’t quite get what his monologue was about.
For next lesson I need to start learning my Romeo and Juliette scene, even though I have the smallest role I still need to know it well. I enjoyed today’s lesson very much:)
So, last lesson we started off as watching the puppet show grade 11 and 12 have organised. I really liked it, even though the puppetts did look a biy creepy. I loved the story, it reminded me of romeo&juliette, because at the end both of them die, I don’t actually get this idea “if you die, I die”, because if your lover dies, I think you should forget, go on and live happily ever after because commiting suicide doesn’t seem to me “romantic”.
Then, we went back to the drama room and started off as doing our death of a saaleman scenes. Then we saw siri perform her good doctor scene I think.
Well, I liked the lesson very much
So, on today's lesson we for the first time started working on romeo and juliette, yay!
i ready know my lines since i only have like 10 of them or somehting like that. So it is not only about knowing my lines now, i am looking forward on thinking about costumes which might be very hard, acting and blocking. I am coming on stage after the citizen part, then i wait until tybalt dies, and then i cry and cry over his body and say my lines. Looks good. So i am really looking forward on making this scene magnifique:)
Last lesson we watched the IB drama students perform a performance with Japanese dolls which they had built themselves. The story was about a prince or king who had everything accept a wife but he one day met a beautiful young girl and they fell in love. She didnt tell him she was poor and kept that a lie from him, and when he found out he was furious and left her, so she killed herself and the following day he killed himself aswell. We then continued back to class and almost all of us performed our death of a salesman scene's.
ReplyDeleteToday in class we were given our romeo and juliet scenes and put into our groups and we practiced them. My charecter is Tybalt and i think he is super cool, so im happy that i got him as my role :) !
In last week's lesson, we watched a group of 12th graders do a performance using a Japanese style. There were puppets that were controlled by 3 people each and the people that were controlling them were wearing black, and the wall behind them was black, so it looked as though those people weren't there and the puppets were moving my themselves. It also brought out the puppets more. I was surprised to hear that this was written by the class, because it was very original and I enjoyed it. The narrators were both very good, and the puppets' actions were very good too.
ReplyDeleteWe also watched some of the Good Doctor Scenes, and they were interesting as well. Of course, not many people are very far in them so they all need quite a lot of work, but they still managed to be funny. :D
In today's lesson, we were given our Romeo and Juliet scripts, and we chose our characters. I am Romeo, and I'm happy about this because I don't have too many lines, but I don't have too few lines either.
We managed to go through it once in the old language (left side of the page) and we didn't get what the story was about at all. Later on in the day though, I read through it and I understand the scene better, so it will already be improved for next lesson.
Last lesson we watched the IB drama students perform a performance with Japanese dolls, which they made all by themselves. All the stage was covered with black cloth and it was all about how a young Japanese prince who has everything but a wife. Then he suddenly finds a young women which pretends to be rich, and from a good family , but instead she is really poor.And the best part at the End they both die ))
ReplyDeleteSo today in class we were given th script Romeo and Juliet AND OF-COURSE I have the most lines again ))I am Benvolio. And yeah we divided into 2 groups ))
SO in both the lessons we did drama, this we all know. Sorry this is late but i had alot of homework. So we last lesson watched the IB students performing a scenee, which is very different to what i thought was a very very good scene but since i was the ,music player i was enjoying it. It was a very nice scene with large, human sized dolls and the IB students were acting them out so that they looked like the dolls were real. They also used great music and a great background to hide the people doing the actions...
ReplyDeleteIn the rest of the lessson we were given the romeo and julet lines and we divided into 2 groups and worked on our lines. I think i have a great role as i get to kill someone... :P YAY
Today was very fun and i hope we have another lesson to do this kind of stuff, and learn our lines