Monday, January 25, 2010

Reflection - Monday, January 25 - MUST BE DONE TONIGHT!

Today we worked on group picture scenes, pair picture scenes and group history scenes.



  1. REFLECTION - Sara Welander

    I performed my picture scene and pair picture scene today and was the first one to perform for the class. The pair picture scene went pretty well though me and martin had to keep on working on our script so that it would last longer for a minimum of 7 minutes. I need to start remembering lines soon as well.
    The picture scene went also very well but it was the exact same as last time when we performed it since we didnt edit it so we need to lengthen this script as well putting in more conversation perhaps with the old granny (me). I also was thinking that i should work on my voice so that it will sound more elderly and cracked.
    For props i need to start bringing a newspaper and bag for the pair picture scene. Props needed for the picture scene is a cane, a pair of glasses, a book, and a tea cup. The main thing needed is probably the newspaper, bag, cane and book.
    Some other scenes that were performed today i really liked. Especially, sam & siris pair picture scene. It sounded very flowing and had a lot of character, with some humour put in as well. I also liked onur, christina and siris picture scene. It was funny, but also smartly-written with a theme of a real-life situation which i found pretty exciting to watch. All the other scenes were performed extremely good too!

  2. In todays lesson we had not done too much. We mostly planned our groups once again and talked about getting closer to knowing the scrips that we have.

    We have seen every single performance of our class mates ( which were very good ) in this lesson and got an idea of how it will be in the end. I am in the group of Siri and Onur, as well as just Onur and for the historical group I am with Siri and Max. We can all work well together and I am very positive to that. Max and I did not have a chance of getting closer to writing the script however, this is what we are planning to do by next lesson.

    For the group of Siri, Onur and myself we have our script done and everything, all we have to do now, is know really well the lines and we will be perfect. For the group of me and Onur.... we have loaaaads to catch up on, we have no script in other words, we need to get that sorted out by next lesson.

    Christina L

  3. Today the lesson was very cool! We had to perform the picture scene and one were we worked in pairs. The first one was very cool and exciting to do. We did the ideas of the picture together but Luke did the scrip was some English words very hard to say it right so I have to study more and understand the script better. Because it was a little a chaos and I didn’t know like when I had to shoot that I had to miss so we have to perform more to do it better.

    The other one with Evelina went actually quite smooth we didn’t knew the lines that good but I liked to do that one as well! It was very realistic to do it but we have to do make the story longer and we have to get a good end with this story because if we both put our fantasy together it would have a really nice end.

    For the props I need to have for the first one a cool thing I need to look a little tougher in the story. For the second one I need clothes to let it look like a room of two friends who are preparing for a date so I need real make-up and a black dress and a picture of a boy.

  4. In class today , we performed 2 out of 3 projects we are currently working on. First I preformed my project with Onur and Christina, about smoking. I need to concentrate more on not laughing at onur, and I need to bring in the cigerettes. I also need to lean my lines.
    Then I did the performance with Sam about the girl & the principal. Here I need to bring in some make up to do the black eye and maybe try and use something to make it look like I've lost my front tooth as it shows in the pictures.
    I think today I worked quite well but I need to learn to focus more.

  5. Today during class i performed both my pair and group picture performances. The first one was the one with Sara & Evelina, about the sailor chatting up the girl. I think it went quite well, just we need to focus more, know where were standing and what were doing and also costumes... and obviously are lines, but im preety sure we'll be able to sort all of that out :) we're also thinking of changing it a little bit, just to keep the argument going on a little longer.

    I then did the performance with Siri about the little girl who is talked to by the principle about a fight. I really like this performance, as it's funny and it isnt to far fetched, but it is quite interesting. We do need to bring in costumes, to show that Siri is much much much younger then me, and to show that im very strict and serious.. also we need to learn our lines and focus just a little bit more. Then it will be perfect :) i hope :D !

    I think i did quite well today in both the performances, I just need to learn all my lines :)

  6. 25/01/10

    In today's lesson, we got to view and perform 2 of our group plays. The first one I was involved in was our group play with Mike and Anne-Mieke. This was our first performance as a group because Anne-Mieke had been away initially. All of us found most of it ok, Anne-Mieke struggled slightly to the end, this was expected as it is complicated and it was her first time. I believe that she will do much better next time. The only other issue our group had was the blocking as we made positioning errors at times. I think that we need to plan when we stand at certain places at scenes like when Mike shoots me.

    In my other performance I was with Max in our play about a young jockey competing in the Grand National the next day. The performance was our first and we found it a solid start. What I think Max and I need to consider is making it longer and adding more excitement and conflict.

    Overall, I have learned a lot from the 2 projects and where they are heading and hope that they will improve the next time round.

  7. So, on this class we finally confirmed the groups we were in for the third historical scenes. We did not ha ime to work on it, but worked on the two other ones instead, an i think it is very good that we went through every piece once, becuse now we have n idea of what other people have, for example when we wrote the script with anne-mieke, we thought we were almost done, but when we played through it we realized tat it is extremely short. I think that the first picture group scene is really good, and in a way funny, but i need to try and not laugh and work on "male" gestures.
    I loved that class because it was productive, and we had a laugh too, though the last group didn't go.
    And i also think that we need to start writing out the hisory scene, because at the moment we have nothing.
    But i am sure we will catcch up, and everything will be good:)

  8. In today's lesson we did not have enough time to do alot of work. Dont ask me why but we did not get very far... Today in our groups we planned, again the scripts and we go to understand what we were writing about and well wrote about it...

    After this we saw all the performances of our friends. Some i admit i am in one of the groups, need some work, but some are amazing. I can tell everyone good job, for the performances and keep it up, but i still think we need some more work on them. IN this lesson i found out that all of us need to try to keep our scripts to only 1 or 2 scenes MAX because it will be hard to change between them. Im in a group with Martin and Gamlet, where we really need to work on scenes, and REDO THE WHOLE SCRIPT to MARTIN"S liking......... I am also in a group with Luke. Its the picture pair. In this i think i need to not YELL. Anyway in the historical group I am with Siri and Christina. We all work well together. I am pleased that we have been put together... Siri, Chris and I didn't really get to do the script yet and will do it next lesson

    For the group with, Me, and Luke, we have a great script, but now we need to PRINT ANOTHER COPY, and apply our DRAMA SKILLS to it. Hopefully we will also be able to finish the Historian script thing by nest lesson...

