I forgot to post this yesterday, but want to be sure to give you a chance for an additional reflection to further improve your grade, so here it is. Sorry!
You will remember that Thursday we met Periods 6 and 7 after a short post-lunch assembly. From there, we worked for about fifteen minutes on each of four projects and finally chose those projects that we felt needed workshopping on Friday.
Absent - Evelina
Thursday, March 4, 2010
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Today in class we went through our scenes again. For the Repetoire scene Silke and I are going to bring in some sundresses and bathing suit tops and towels so we can put on our scene at the Beach. I have a sound track of Waves and ocean we can play as well. For my picture groups I only have to learn the brother’s paragraph , I am however finding it difficult to find a soundeffect for the baseball game. I brought in american money for the scene though. For my picture pair I know my lines (mostly) and so i should be off book in time for the performance. The History group rehearsal went well but Max has a problem focusing -_- .. well we all do but it’s coming together nicely! We still need an axe though ! (hint hint) . Today was a good lesson though .
ReplyDeleteYay ! ^_^ I was the first comment!
ReplyDeleteI think I deserve an A+ for that : )
I'm kidding
but an A+ would be nice : )
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn this lesson, we have practiced all of our five scenes. In the repertoire scene I was working together with Michael. We have run the scene together and are managing very well. Everything is coming pretty good and we know our lines. In our picture pair group, me an onur have been working on our scene and the idea seems very well and should be coming very well. For the picture groups, sire me and onur have been working on our scene very hard however, it is quite hard still to get off book but we are working on that. For the history group, it is coming very well and we know our lines well enough.
ReplyDeleteToday in class we rehearsed our repetoire scenes, picture pairs, picture scenes and history groups.
ReplyDeleteFirst i rehearsed my repotoire scene with Onur. This is my best performance, as i know most of the lines, have the costumes and props done so everything should run smoothly and were having some laughs doing it :)
For the picture pairs i still have to remember my lines and get a costume and some props then everything should be fine. Siri and I are workin together well and the end result should be fine.
Picture Groups, we didnt really have to do much as we've got everything covered for this. Evelina was ill today so Silke replaced her, and it still went well.
I dont like doing the History groups that much, we havnt really got anywhere yet as mike keeps forgetting to bring the script in, and i have no glue what the scene is about. I'd much prefer if we didnt do this one, but we're going to have to anyway and hopefully Gamlet and Mike will put in some more effort, and help. :)
Thats All For Todays Lesson ! :D
In todays lesson, we worked on many separate projects again.
ReplyDeleteIn the repertoire scenes, Sara and I are pretty much there. We have learnt almost all our lines and have almost all our props, having a gun really improved the scene. With a few more props and our lines learnt, we'll do well.
In the picture scenes we are close to being ready to perform. We just need to finish off on positioning and remembering what happens (esp. Anne Mieke but she missed out on a fair bit of work so it's understandable). We need to learn our final lines and we'll do well too.
The Picture pairs went well, Max and I have got very far, we know our lines and just need to fine tune it.
The final piece we practiced was the history groups. My group have finally started moving! We have a script but have to work extra hard to get to the level of everyone else. Hopefully Evelina will get better soon.
Btw Sam I think you misspelled clue as glue :P
today ( not really today but okay)
ReplyDeletewe did the rehearsing again.
It went okay with the history groups it was really nice because we talked about how i needed to jump and stuff like that. for *probs* (how do u write that) I have a gun, and te lines get better everytime.
The picture pairs, because Evelina wasnt here i did it with Silke. I need to know my lines and put more expression in it! But i put more emotion in it so it went quitte well.
The group pair is okay we just do everytime the same because we already changed it a bit and the boys already know a lot of their lines which i think is really good!! But I need to know them to!!! Bleegh xD and we have a bit o *probs* i have gun and i need to be a really cool girl xd so i need to have something else.
Today we had a little delay as Mr.P was talking to us in a short period of our break and into our drama lesson. This was OK though as we got through all we needed to do
ReplyDeleteSo, today in class we rehearsed all our different scenes, the repertoire scenes, the history groups, picture pairs and picture groups...
First I rehearsed my scene with Gamlet which went extremely well as he did the Macarena with me PERFECTLY. This was the repertoire scene with him. It was very fun as Gamlet and I both know our lines by heart and we can start adapting to our scene and making it great! This is my best performance with anybody as we have nearly perfected it. I do not know of what props we are going to use yet but we , up to now, need just 2 pencils, 2 papers, and 2 chairs. Also we need mike to bring in his amazing iPhone and play us the Macarena.
Next we did our picture groups. This is the group with Martin, Gamlet and me in it. I must say we are making a huge improvement as we practically know all our lines but we could still improve. What we need to work on for sure is the blocking on the stage. This is what we are having problems with. Props seem to be no problem as all we need is a table ummm that's it oh yeah and a wallet which I will get..
Picture Pairs, we didnt really have to do much for this as Luke and I had everything planned and we had all the props done. Well we don't need any props except for the Stick!!!, a hat which we have and um... yes and maybe some glasses. Like the stuff you drink from glasses. Also I was a picture in Onur and Christina's Picture and so I had to rehearse with them and I must say they are doing pretty well.
The History group I am in is doing great as we have all the props and all the lines are already learnt. Also I know my lines. All we need to work on now is the scene change and the costumes. I will for sure bring in an axe next lesson. (Well I hope) And also we need to work on blocking. But anyway it is going great and we have lots of fun doing it.
Lesson over... we had lots of fun in this lesson!!! :)
0k so Today in class we went through our scenes again. like the lesson before. We rehearsed all of our scenes and it was actually fun. Evelina was ansent so i had to rehearse the repertoar scene with My teacher ) . Then we rehearsed the picture group in which indeed we have improved how to do it well !
ReplyDeletePicture pairs me and Sara did a very good job. We didn't have any problems because that is our favorite scene.
The History group we have improvment in this.we have the scripts redy we just need to practice and learn our lines. Because Evelina was sick Silke helped us and took her place in the history group :)
Today we did the same thing and worked on all our scenes again and we did it in the same order as before.
ReplyDeleteThe repertoire scene with Sam is getting even better because we both pretty much know our lines and now we're just trying to think of a good setup of all the props, and how to act it out (like if we want to put on English accents or not). I think Sam is the best person to play her role. It's awesome how she acts and says her lines. AWESOME. It helps me work too.
For our picture group, the only problem I think is learning our lines. None of us really tried to learn our lines so none of us know them, but at least the way we say the lines are improving.
OK, for our picture pairs, me and Christina are definitely getting better at acting it out. This time we didn't forget our scripts and we both tried really hard to improve as much as possible. We still need our props (I need to make a picture frame and we need a chess set). Otherwise, we both fit our characters really well. Christina is an awesome old grumpy lady (that's not an insult Christina). As usual, we need to learn out lines. Christina is managing to try not to laugh, but now she has another problem. She can't say Eugene. LOL.
Finally, we did out history scene. We pretty much know our lines, and we have all the props we need, I think. I just forgot my line ONCE but i don't think that will happen again. I hope not. Sara and Anne-mieke are really good group members, and again, Sara is a really good 'Abraham Lincoln's wife', and Anne-mieke is a really good 'Person who wants to kill Abraham Lincoln'. Only a bit more work, and it's gonna be perfect. :D
REFLECTION - Sara Welander
ReplyDeleteToday we did the same as the other days; working on all of our 4 scenes. Here we progressed a bit more since i knew more of my lines better, we also had the guns for the 3 scenes which made it much more easier to rehearse with. Though for the picture group we didn't progress that much since Evelina was absent and we really needed to work on it because the final is on wednesday and we got no other lessons until then (i think). But hopefully it will go well as we will take with our props and costumes, also knowing our lines perfectly. Hopefully.
During drama class we reherse a lot of things. First thing was the picture groups We had a lot of fun and we did the improvements on that and after we got much much better for that and we are ready to do on wednesday finally.
ReplyDeleteSecond thing we did was the history groups. MIKE again left our script at home and again we had nothing to do. He descuse the movements and that kind of staff. So we are fine we just have to lurn our lines to run it.
The third thing we did was the group with max. We are ready to run it because we are good in tha. Me and max we had fun of doing the staff and we kind of reherse that.
Last thing was the group with martin and max the scene about the barman, policeman and small guy who stole something from the shop and policeman cought him in the bar. We reherse that and we were fine to run it i didnt have so many lines to lurn i had only 20 sentences to lurn. So we are READY to run it.