Friday, March 19, 2010

Reflection - Thursday, March 18

Sorry for putting this up late. Please do it now while your memory of the lesson is fresh! (As we said, reflection, reflection, reflection, re-flec-tion!)


  1. ( Reaally late sir :P)
    First there was on the board that you had to do the reflection and that it will destroy your grade if you dont so Mr.Maclachlan putted us in front of the board to say that..
    naaah, a few days ago they were doing the thing* (dont know the name im sorry)which i didnt do. then we watched the play's of it what was really nice to watch how they acted it and how they did it together. The one of Max and Gamlet was really funny they first had to do a dance and then draw something, i really enjoyed watching it!!!

  2. For the first 15 minutes of the lesson, we were all recorded reading part of the board that was about reflections and how not submitting them destroyed your grade. Now I definitely know =P.

    For the rest of the lesson, we were recorded doing our repertoire scenes. We only managed to get through a few of them, and I thought Max and Gamlet's scene was really funny. Sam and I managed just fine, but there was a point when there was a really long pause, and then Sam remembered her line. At least it wasn't our final performance. Now, I think 2 or 3 more pairs need to be recorded. Everyone did well this lesson and I'm sure everyone will do just fine :D.

  3. IN this lesson we first recorded each of our readings of our reflection reflection reflection thing and now i guesss we know what we are meant to do!

    For the other part of the lesson we recorded our nearly final presentations of our repertiour scenes. ME AND GAMLET TOOK practically the WHOLE lesson. we were awsome. We have our "cosutumes" our song and we worked on our dance in class IN FROUNT of EVERYONE!!!!... anyways sam and onur managed to theirs pretty well to. They learnt all their lines i knowtised. We have 3 more pairs left for recording then off to THE FINAL PRESENTATION. but i guess we all did well.!:P

  4. First we all had to say "Reflection, Reflection...REFLECTION. Reflection Reflection Reflection, Re-Flec-Tion .If you neglect to submit a reflection for every class it will destroy your grade" to the camera. Then we worked on our repertoire scenes. Silke is off book and I am nearly there but I need to work on it . Our costumes are set though and thats basically it . People did perform some and I really liked Onur's and Sam's and also Gamlet's and Max's was HILARIOUS! keep up the good work people!

  5. RE-FLEC-TION!!!!!

    So, as the others might have mentioned. The first thing we did when we came to class was to read what was written on the board about reflection while he was filming us. It was pretty fun, but good so that people will remember how we need to put up reflection every time :)
    For the double-period we mainly worked on the repertoire scenes by rehearsing, and working on them by ourselves for a little while in the first period. In the second period we performed it for the class and listen to their constructive criticism. Me and Luke went up first and it was kind of annoying since all the other times i knew my lines perfectly, but here i stumbled about them. So i don't know if there were any improvements or progress in our repertoire scene. But we are fully prepared with all the props, costumes we are to have for the final performance.
    I also enjoyed watching everyone elses performances as they look fantastic and very well-performed. Max's and Gamlet's was as well very entertaining and hilarious. LOVED IT!

  6. In this lesson we have gone over the ' REFLECTION ' and said that we have to do it after every lesson, we pretty much got it by now i think:) after that, we have practiced our repertoire scenes and some of us had performed for the class. I enjoyed watching max's and gamlet's scene, as it has a very interesting idea and because i like how they dance in the scene, which not every scene can do. for mine and mike's scene i have gotten an idea of dancing (cha cha cha) in the scene, which would give a better start to our scene, i think we have agreed on it and are willing to work it.

  7. During todays lesson, we firstly did a 'reflection recital' warmup. It felt like being in a prison interview but with humor.

    After that we bagan rehersing our repitoire scnes. Mine and Sara's has definitely improved with the new props being added.

    The other scnes looked really good, Sam and Onur's definitely improved. Max and Gamlets has become a lot funnier. All of them just need minor tweeks.

  8. I apologise for being late, really late:(
    So, on that lesson we first started off as recording our reflection videos, i think there was no point in doing that, i kinda know it myself. Well, you decided to have some kind of proof/alibi that we understood that we HAVE to submit reflections after EVERY class. It was just hilarious!!!!

    Then we started rehearsing our repertoire scenes, it was my first time doing it without the script really, so it was a bit messed up.Somehow i completely forget if martin says his line wrong, so we had some problems with that, we were fighting a bi but then started to work again. I enjoy working with marin though.
    So, after that we started to record the scenes, gamlets and max' was so fun to watch, though i think they should stick to macarena song, it is funnier.
    Then we watchd some more, and i thought how unworked our scene is, so we better work on it better.
    I enjoyed that lesson:D

  9. First we had to read a text from the board about reflection while he was filming us.
    After that we rehearsed our repertoire scenes.
    At the end of the lesson we performed our scenes.

  10. For the first 15 minutes of the lesson, we were all recorded reading part of the board that was about reflection reflection reflection reflection RE-FLEC-TION not submiting a reflection after each less0n will DESTROYYY b00000000mm you'r grade . Well it is true i kno this--personal experience :D l0l !!!!

    For the rest of the lesson, we were recorded doing our repertoire scenes. We only managed to get through a few of them. I liked Max and gaMlet's scene it was quite funny. )
