Monday, May 3, 2010

Reflection - Monday, May 3

Today we worked for about 25 minutes on Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, for about 25 minutes on repertoire scenes, and for about 25 minutes on scenes from The Good Doctor. Please submit your reflection here.

Yes, we have missed a few reflection days. Today's reflection, however, is particularly important since Mr. MacLachlan wasn't with the class during its two periods of work and is really interested in what work was done. So please make this a good one!


  1. April 29th: (Last week)
    In class today we first split up to rehearse our Romeo and Juliet scenes.
    The rehearsal went well we ran it through once but many of us weren't
    able to concentrate that well , but that always happens. Then we went through
    the performances. First my group went and then the nine A group . My favorite
    characters have to be Mercutio and the Citizen . Luke plays Mercutio really well
    and I enjoy watching him play it. The citizen's line about Tybalt getting up and
    following him when Tybalt is lying on the floor dead really makes me laugh. That
    took up most of the lesson and then we started watching the creature play with
    Anne-meike and Luke and Mike, which is always good because Anne-Meike
    plays the wife really well I really enjoy it . And that is what we did in today's lesson.

    Over & Out

    May 3rd :
    Today in class we rehearsed our Romeo & Juliet scenes. The first time we rehearsed it no one really was focused and we goofed off a little and played around with it. We've decided that Evelina and I should be Tyblat's "henchmen". The second time we rehearsed it we were a bit more serious but we were cut short, and told to rehearse our repertoire scenes. Since Silke was absent today I just went over my lines for Romeo & Juliet. Then I rehearsed "The Sneeze" with Max, Gamlet, Sara, and Luke subbed for Evelina because she was rehearsing her repertoire scene. I am okay for learning lines but I need more time for learning them because currently I am stressed for time .


    29th April - Today in the double lesson we were told that we were gonna try to work on nearly all our scenes. But it ended up that we dedicated all of the 2 lessons
    working on the Romeo and Juliet scenes in our groups. For the first lesson we just worked on it with our group and tried to act it. mr. maclachlan gave us some advice of what to do here and there like for mercutio that he needs to sound more jokingly. For the second lesson we performed our scenes to the whole class. This took a while as we paused in between here and there for mr. m to comment or tell us what specific words meant like 'zoons!' or how it was spellt and that it was a swearword in the shakespearian language. I think it went pretty well with our group and soon we will know it PERFECTLY. When the other group performed, it took MUCH longer than ours did as mr.m kept pausing them to tell them to give more attitude and movements in the play. Though it was pretty entertaining to watch and it was very well-acted. Will be even better when all of us knows our lines :D cant wait!!

    3rd May - Today for our double-lesson we practiced our romeo & juliet scenes. I knew like all of my lines (except for the last few) so...HOORAY! We practiced the scene twice in our group, and i think it looked really good :D Then she told us to work on our repertoire scenes which we haven't worked on for a while so didnt know the lines perfectly, but surprisingly, me and luke knew them pretty well. Afterwards we were supposed to act our good doctor scenes so i practiced the sneeze. Since i didn't have that many lines in that one me and Evelina rehearsed our death of a salesman scene and this one was really our best one yet. Too bad it wasn't graded that day :(
    Anyways...yep. That's it i think xD

  3. 29th April was fun...It was a double lesson that day an we were going to work on all our scenes. Well at least that was what we were told. So we started off with are Romeo and Juliet scenes and we practised for 20 minutes and the rest of the lessons we would do the other scenes. Anyway we got loads of advice on how to improve and play this scene much better. We were told that the play includes lots of information about the history and so on and also it has swear words in it!!!! It has Zoons, as Sara pointed out. We planned alot for this lesson but only got through our Romeo and Juliet scenes as ONE OF THE GROups, there are 2 by the way, and it was not my group took REALLLLLY llong to do it... Anyways we learnt alot about this scene.

    3rd May - Today in class for our dooulbe drama lesson we worked on our romep and juliet scenes. Some of us already knew their lines, like the AMAZING sara, who has the most, (How did u manage) but i unfortunatly didnt. Later we were told to work on our repertoire scenes, which surprisingly gamlet and i DID PERFECTLY the first time. We even showed the teacher, your wife sir :P... After that we did the good doctor scenes, THE SNEEZE For The Win(FTW) So sara, me, gamlet(and his amazing emotions) and luke who replaced evelina all did it. (i just raelised i was married to luke EEWWWWWWW) ok so it was like a really good practice yet i think we need another one soon. IM OUT PPLZZZ.

    No need to comment on my epicness!!!!!

  4. - Last week -

    we had worked on our romeo and juliet scene together with our groups. It was great because we had been working with props and actions and we got criticism and improved our acts.

    - 3rd May -

    In todays lesson we have been working on our romeo and juliet scene for 25 minutes and had been read through all of us on the english side of the paper to understand the act scene better. After that, we had been wokring on our actions a little bit and then it was time to change to work on our repertoire scene. Me and Mike are very close to knowing it without holding our script, there are just 2 lines which i get confuzed but for the rest everythings perfect.

    this lesson was great because we had worked on our scenes in our own time and this was much easier than usual.

  5. 29th April

    Today we rehearsed our Romeo and Juliet scenes. My group did well in rehearsal and enjoyed it. I got to learn more about the personality about my character Mercutio.

    In our performance we did very well. We worked well as a team and all performed really well. We might try and make the fighting and break up look more realistic. It all went well though.

    3rd May

    Today we went through some of our scenes. We began our Romeo and Juliet scene practising. This was entertaining. Our group thought that in the future, we can make the scene more entertaining.

    The groups then worked on our repertoire scenes. Sara and I haven’t gone through our script in a while but didn’t have many problems.

    Today was a fun lesson and we got a fair bit done.

  6. 29 april
    Last week we rehearsed the Romeo and Juliet scene, first the other group acted it out and it was really nice to see how they acted the same characters.
    And we TOOK SO LOONG because Mr Maclachlan was telling us what it meant that words ;) so dont worry max hahah :P

    3th May
    I unfortunatly I was sick so I was absent.

  7. Last week we worked on our Romeo and Juliet scenes, as it was a single period. We managed to go through it twice as far as I remember, and I think we did a pretty good job. Some of the people in our group don't know the story to it (what's happening in the scene) but I think this is due to the old-style language used. Next time we act this scene out we're going to read through the other side first.

    Today, the first thing we did was go through our Romeo and Juliet scenes. Our group acted until about the second page, and since we were going really slow, we decided to sit in a circle and read through the modern English version. I had to substitute for Anne-Mieke and Silke ^^ and we did fine, but we still took ages. But we're getting the hang of it slowly.

    The next thing we did was our repertoire scenes. Me and Sam tried ours without the script first, but then we realized we forgot some of it, so we continued with the scripts. Somehow, we wasted a lot of time and only managed to act it out once, but it was really good. We still act it out really well, and laugh all the time.

    The last thing we did in this lesson was our 'Good Doctor' scenes. I went through 'Surgery' with Evelina, and 'The Seduction' with Sam and Mike. 'The Surgery' is really funny and random, and we both laugh a lot while we're doing it. 'The seduction' was okay, but we still need to work on it a lot more to get it where we need it. We especially need to work on how to divide the stage, and how to switch scenes. But i know we'll get there somehow.

  8. Today in class we worked on 3 pieces of work, the first one was Romeo & Juliet we ran through it 2 times, and both time went really well and were very funny :) !

    The second thing we did was our repotoire scenes, and me and onur were surprised as we remembered all our lines for it and it went very well.

    Then we practiced the good doctor scenes, but we didnt manage to get it through it all as it was too long to perform, but we did most of it and it went very well.

    It was a good class, and we managed to practice alot of things without any hassle's or problmes ! :)

  9. So im gonna tell ya about the lesson we had today.
    Today we had suck an amusing lesson.
    Today the we did almost all out scenes we did The SnezZze we did the thingy with makarena and the russian story with Cherdyakov. I've studied a lot new staff.

  10. Last week we rehearsed the scene Romeo and Juliet. First we did the scene between us and, then each of the groups had to perform it in front of the other group.

    Today in class we worked again on the Romeo and Juliet scene. Our group did it like twice or three times. Then I did the scene with the bee in the JAM, we practice it I think two times. After we were done I was waiting for Siri to finish with her group so we could start our Doctor scene, but unfortunately the time finished and we did not do it.

    That is what basically happed today ! ))

  11. April 29th 2010
    So, on today’s double lesson we only got to do our romeo and juliette scenes. Fisrt we practiced a bit with our groups, and I think it is time to strat learning lines for people now, because a lot of time goes on reading, bcause reading the old english language is a bit hard, and unusual too.
    Then we pwrformed it, and I think that ours is quite good. The only thing I didn’t like today was that the other group took like an hour to do their scene, if they would be more confident and interested in it we would get through much more during this lesson.
    Then we started watching anne-mieke and luke do the good doctor scene, and I loved it, because I think that the teacher chose who we sould be in these scenes by who we are in life, that’s why it is so good, and I loved theirs

    May 3rd 2010
    So, on this lesson we started off as rehearsing our Romeo&Juliette scenes, i think that it is going very well, you can actually see our scene progress in class while we rehearse it. I think that it wil be very good.
    Then we started working our repertoire scenes, in a way it is good because we didnt work on it for ages, but in a way it is bad because i kind of forgot my lines, i didnt know them well before, but now it is completely bad, and what's hard for me is that they are short lines, but i will from now focus on them. Then we started working on our good doctor scenes, i did mine with onur and i think we need to work more on action and start learning lines. Then since both of my groups were busy me and sara rehearsed our death of a salesman scene, it was amazing, we know our lines and we started working more on "male" action, so i think that if we get to show it, it will be like a final piece by now.
    So i really liked the lesson:)
    P.S. if we HAVE to do our reflection everytime we have class, you should put the reflection link up EVERY time as well:/
