Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reflection - Tuesday, May 11

Put your reflections on today's work here please!


  1. Today we had a double lesson and we did a bit like usual. Rehearsing everything, first we did The good Doctor because that one was the most what we needed to work on!

    With that we dont need so much to work on actually we just need to know what we need to do because we need to do a lot of things together with the lines!

    With the repetoire scenes i just rehearsed my monologue which I need to learn still :/

    The Romeo and Juliet I dont know because everythime when we are rehearsing it I cant do my lines because im on the end and the people who play at the beginning, the play goes really slow!!!!!

    Then as last we saw the seduction with Onur who plays the man of Sam and Mike is Peter who is the Seducer ( or how you say/spell it)
    I like it they play it really good they are really good in their role!
    I dont have much the say so this was my Reflection!

  2. So, finally all of our work is coming to an end, and i think that we have quite a lot of good stuff:)
    So, we started off as working on our good doctor scenes, first it was me and onur working on the surgery, which i think if we bring props will be very good.
    Then the next thing we did was the repertoire scene, and i think that finally we know our lines well, we decided what each of us are going to wear and that i need to bring, because we decided that it will be like a breakfast:)
    Then we worked on rome and juliette scene, i dont really like it because i have so few lines to say, but oh well it was my choice. Then we had time to watch, not fully but most of the seduction, and i think it is going pretty well, reminds me of the movie "the ugly truth", over there the character was also a player who knew the steps of seduction pretty well:')
    So for next lesson i dont need to learn anything, just bring props and costumes.


    Today was our kind of 'last day' for a free lesson to do something. The rest of the days are mainly consisting of graded performances and set schedules.
    We started on rehearsing the good doctor scenes. Like last time, we practiced the sneeze. Except this time mr. maclachlan was acting instead of evelina because she was busy with her scene with onur.
    That was pretty funny :P When finally me and martin had time to work on the drowned man, by the end of martins first long line, we were to do something else so i'm really hoping we will have more time some other time
    to work on the drowned man. Next we worked on the repertoire scenes. There wasn't much we had to work on with this, just to know what we will be wearing for the graded performance. And of course trying to remember our lines PERFECTLY. Me and luke did try to come up with some new ways to act the scene out like when to stand up, walk around etc. Straight after we went to work on our romeo and juliet scenes. I do know my lines pretty well but i NEED to get the last long speech perfectly. Still kinda edgy on that one :S But otherwise it was pretty good. We also discussed what we're gonna wear for the performance. We decided that we will all wear some kinda of tight pants/leggings with shirts tucked in( i think) then some blazer to have over. But we will probably more thoroughly discuss this in the next lesson we will be working on the romeo and juliet scene. After me and evelina were gonna start rehearsing the death of a salesman but we didn't come that far since the rest of the class wanted to watch a scene. All of us wanted to watch the seduction again, so for the last few minutes we had time to watch part of the beginning of it, until the bell rang. As i mentioned before about the seduction, it was REALLY well-acted. But yeah, if they are supposed to act it in front of an audience they should know the script fairly well. But so should all of the rest of us, so shouldn't exactly criticize on just them.

  4. Today we had a double to rehearse our projects.

    We started on our Good Doctor scenes. Silke joined Anne Mieke and I as Mike was off being a seducer. The scene went well. I think that Anne Mieke needs to go even loonier so that we know how mental she really is.

    Then we went onto our repertoire scenes, again, Sara and I have pretty much nailed the scene and have been thinking of positioning and props.

    After this we began our Romeo and Juliet scenes. Our group are doing very a few of us even know almost all our lines. I need to learn some more lines and act funnier (even though Shakespearian jokes don’t sound very funny :P)

    Finally we watched ‘the seduction’ as this is such a long scene, Sam, Onur and Mike didn’t get to finish it. But it seems that they are doing well and are making progress.

  5. Lesson Reflection :D
    By Siri Elizabeth Ouida Touche Arends

    We started off the lesson by running through our good doctor scenes. I rehearsed the sneeze with out Evelina for most of it. I need to learn my lines, but there is a lot and since Mr M said we don't have to know them all off by heart it isn't on the top of the list for priorities. Then we went through our repetoire scenes. I know all my lines :D yaay me ! Silke and I are pretty much done on this , we just need to sort out costuming and sound effects and we're done :D .
    Then we rehearsed our Romeo and Juliet scenes. I need to learn my prince lines still . I know my citizen scenes. My group mainly needs to work on costuming, other then that we are done except for line learning and Luke needs to slow down when he speaks :P . After wards we watched 'the Suduction' which is really good. Onur plays the clueless husband really well and Mike is good about the macho smooth talker attidtude. Sam is also very convincing in her intrigued but hiding it character :P
    Keep up the good work guys!!

  6. oKk s0 in today's double lessons we rehearse everything.

    We started with the "Good doctor scenes". I did not do any thing, because Siri had to do another
    scene.And with Sara we started but then we had to switch for another projects.

    Then we did our repertoire scenes. We went over it like 3/4 times and I think we are ready to perform it in front of the class.

    After the repertoire scenes we begun to practice our "Romeo and Juliet" scene. Every one went to the group he is with and performed it a couple of times.

    At the end we all chose to watch
    "the seduction". I think they did a very good job, buT it will be better if they are oFF book))

  7. During today's lesson, we rehearsed preety much everything.
    We started off rehersing our good doctor scene's ( the seduction ) and then did our repotoire scenes, im off book on the repetoire scenes and know everything :) so im really happy with that scene, we then did our monolouges which i really need to learn and after that we performed our romeo and juliet scenes which are going really well. I think we need good costumes, and to make this performance a really good one.

    Finally everyone decided to choose 'The Seduction' and we performed some of it as it was too long to perform. I really like this script, because the husband is completly clueless which i find hilarious, i find my role a little tough though especially when it comes to that HUGE monolouge i have to perform :(

    But i'll learn it eventually ! .. Well hopefully :)

  8. Today we had to work outside which was a fun change from our normal lessons. A few people performed their monologues.

    Evelina did well with hers, she pretty much knows her lines. Onur did well being her ex.

    After Evelina came Anne Mieke. Mr Machlachlan continuously mentioned about the fact that hair shouldn’t be in the way of the face (obvs that only really concerns the girls because guys are smart and cut their hair to a short length). Onur was very funny in this scene as a baby and Anne Mieke played her role well.

    Sara went up next. She did incredibly well and definitely knows her lines. Sadly Onur wasn’t in this scene but it was still very good.

    Finally, we saw the rest of the Seduction. It was performed very well and was entertaining. The trio just need to learn their lines and they’ll be fine.

    I think today we mainly learnt how important it is to project our voices so that everyone can hear.

  9. So... Yesterday in class we started off our double drama lesson with us running, and I literally mean running, we didn't manage to finish our, good doctor scenes. This is where I rehearsed the sneeze with Siri, Sara, Gamlet and his amazing dramatic emotions, Evelina, who wasn't there(but replaced by Mr. M, which was REALLY weird.)I need to learn my lines for this as I am the main character. Then after that we went through our repetoire scenes.This is where Gamlet and I both make a fool of ourselves by wearing wigs, or just beards and fake moustaches and we dance a lot of - The Macarena. Its a fun scene which should produce many laughs. After this we rehearsed our Romeo and Juliet scenes. I still unfortunately have many lines to learn but in time I bet ill get them. I have to also learn my Romeo lines for it. The group I am in mainly needs to work on costuming. 'The Seduction' was next! it was really good. Mike, Sam and Onur did a really good job and I would really like to see it again.

    For Today's single period lesson we heard Anne-Meike's monologue, Siri's Monologue and Sara's Monologue. Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway they were really good. We also heard Evelina's monologue which was a good example of somebody who really needs to shout when speaking to an audience. Well after this we continued to watch The Seduction Scene Which Was REALLY good. Good Work Guys.!!.

  10. Today we had to do pretty much all of the scenes we're working on, just like we did in out last lesson.

    We started by rehearsing our 'Good Doctor' scenes. Since both the scenes I'm in are very long, I didn't manage to finish both of them. I did 'The Surgery' with Evelina first, and it's coming along very well. I probably say this every time, but I think we both have the perfect role. Evelina is a really good patient in pain. She's really good at screaming and sliding across the floor and shouting at me. It's fun for me because she's really good and its a funny scene.

    Next we went on to rehearsing our repertoire scenes. I don't really have much to say about this scene anymore because Sam and I have got it close to being perfect. We both know our lines, how to act it out, how to use the stage, and how we're saying the lines. It's a really good scene.

    Next, we rehearsed our Romeo and Juliet scenes. I think we had Christina missing today, but that wasn't a problem because I could take her place, although we didn't manage to finish the scene again. This scene I think isn't even close to being at it's best yet, but it's definitely improving. The main problem is some people not knowing what some of the lines mean, including me.

    Lastly, we had to act out 'The Seduction' in front of the class. This went well too. This isn't at it's best either, but it's improving as well as the others.
